Vol. 3/3 (hors-série n°2) | 2020 - PDF available here - Flipbook version
ISSN : 2646-3679
Paleontological collections in the making – an introduction to the special issue
La guerre, la paix et la querelle. Les sociétés paléontologiques d'Auvergne sous la Seconde Restauration
Two South American palaeontological collections in the Natural History Museum of Denmark
Cataloguing the Fauna of Deep Time: Paleontological Collections in Brazil in the Beginning of the 20th Century
The South American Mammal collection at the Museo Geologico Giovanni Capellini (Bologna, Italy)
A Frenchman in Patagonia: the palaeontological expeditions of André Tournouër (1898-1903)
Paul Carié, Mauritian naturalist and forgotten collector of dodo bones
Researchers following the Glossopteris trail: social context of the debate surrounding the continental drift theory in Argentina in the early 20th century
Natural history collecting by the Navy in French Indochina