Colligo is an electronic journal. A few printed copies will be produced to ensure a more permanent archiving.
Manuscripts should be sent to the
Papers should be written in French or English (both British and American spellings can be used, but it should be done consistently). If need be, papers in English will be checked by a native English speaker. Papers in Spanish and Italian can be accepted when written by native speakers. For other languages, please contact the editor.
Papers include a title, an abstract and key-words in the main language, with a French translation of the title, abstract and key-words. Papers in French must include an English title, abstract and key-words.
Manuscripts should be submitted in Word (Mac or PC) or OpenOffice format. Pdfs, even in an 'open' format, cause layout problems and are therefore not encouraged.
Figures should be provided separately (as .jpg, .tif, .png). They may be included in the text only if Word format is used. Resolution should be at least 300 dpi and the size should be large enough. Pictures should be of good quality and significantly illustrate, document or support the text. The author of a paper must certify that he is also the author of the illustrations or has received permission to use them from their author, whose name must be mentioned. Rights and licences linked to the images should be mentioned adequately, e.g. Public domain, CC-BY (+ name of the author), etc.
An electronic reprint will be sent to the author(s) after publication.
Presentation of papers
As the journal pertains of both the humanities and the natural sciences, the usages of both are acceptable. For instance, footnotes, which are often numerous in social sciences or historical papers, are acceptable.
Foreign words should be written in italics ; e.g. eri silk. For easy pronunciation by non-native speakers, a transcription, between brackets, should follow ideogrammes or words in non-Latin characters ; e.g. 茶碗 (chawan).
Quotations can be inserted, between quotes, in the main text, possible modifications being between brackets. Quotations longer than 5 lines should be outside the main text.
Latin locutions and quotations in a foreign language should be translated as footnotes, in French or English depending on the main language used. If the quotation is short, its translation can be inserted in the text between brackets.
English punctuation and typeface should be used in texts and abstracts in English, as well as in English references, even when the main text is in French.
Capitals should be accentuated (in French texts).
Abbreviations such as loc. cit., op. cit., ibid are accepted.
Latin locutions (and those from other languages) should be in italics, except for those that are now part of common language.
Latin names for genera and species are in italics, all other taxonomic levels in Roman (e.g. Felidae, but Felis sylvestris).
Specific uses for botany and zoology should be followed, e.g. Carabus auratus Linné, 1767 and Carex nigra L. (Reichard).
Latreille P.A., 1825. Familles naturelles du règne animal, exposées succinctement et dans un ordre analytique, avec l'indication de leurs genres. Paris, J.-B. Baillière, 570 p.
Day M.C. & Fitton M.G., 1977. Discovery in the Linnaean collection of type-material of insects described by Johann Reinhold Forster, with notes on the Hymenoptera. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 9(1): 31-43.
Barcley M., 2020. Ripiphoridae: 59-66. In: Löbl I. & Smetana A. (éds), Catalogue of Palearctic Coleoptera. Volume 5. Tenebrionoidea. Revised and Updated Second Edition. Leiden / Boston, Brill, 670 p.
Kaeppler A.L., 1993. L’art de la Micronésie : 135-155. In : A.L. Kaeppler, C. Kaufmann et D. Newton, L’art océanien, Paris, Citadelles & Mazenod.
Tirant G., 1884. Note sur quelques espèces de poissons des montagnes de Samrong-Tong (Cambodge). Saigon, imp. C. Guilland & Martinon, [1883], 7 p.
Morice A., 1875. De la Dengue (fièvre éruptive des pays chauds) et de sa distribution géographique. Paris, Faculté de médecine. Thèse pour le doctorat en médecine présentée et soutenue le 25 juin 1875. Paris, imp. A. Parent ; Adrien Delahaye, 60 p.
"Ancient" works should be listed as fully as possible :
Goedartius J. & Lister M., 1685. De insectis, in methodum redactus; cum notularum additione. Item appendicis ad historiam animalium angliæ. Altera editio hic quoque exhibetur. Una cum scarabæorum Anglicanorum quibusdam tabulis mutis. Londini, Smith, [1-6], 1-356, [1-3], 1-45, pl. [1-21].
Online papers and other documents are cited as follows, with the last date they have been accessed :
Breure A.S.H., "Malacology and its social context (2).", Malacohistory,, consulté le 13 novembre 2017.
As far as possible, the address of permanent links (doi, ark) should be provided. If the address is too long, it can be abbreviated with an url shortener (
Bour R., 2015. Paul Philippe Sanguin de Jossigny (1750-1827), artiste de Philibert Commerson. Les dessins de reptiles de Madagascar, de Rodrigues et des Seychelles. Zoosystema, 37 (3): 415-448.
Manuscripts should be cited with their full call number and repository.
References in text should appear as follows : Latreille, 1825 ; (Latreille, 1825) ; in Latreille, 1825 ; Latreille, 1825 : 151.